Poy Sang Long Tradition (Myanmar)

 Poy Sang Long Tradition


          Poy Sang Long is a three-day celebration of the ordination of a novice in Buddhism. Which usually takes place in late March Or early April of every year in Mae Hong Son Province Which is located in the northwest end of Thailand  This ceremony is a traditional Shan or Tai Yai culture. (Thai minority Those who immigrated from northern Burma and mostly settled in Mae Hong Son), the Shan people are very devoted to Buddhism. And to inherit their old traditions A young boy between the ages of 7 and 14 would ordain a novice for a period of time. To study Buddhism and to allow parents to receive merit as well  But it is believed that perhaps this custom was made in order to follow in the footsteps of Prince Rahul. Who was the first novice in Buddhism And was the son of Prince Siddhartha (Buddha) Prince Rahul gave up his mundane vision. To follow the teachings of the Father
          The tradition is full of colors and performances. Making it the most exciting event Which attracts people across the province to join the ceremony But before the day of the tradition The boy will have to take me out and take a shower. And then anointed with perfume Dressed in jewel-like jewelry. Beautiful eye makeup Which we call "crystal ball" But early in the morning on the first day of this tradition The celebration will begin with a parade around the city, which will feature flute, harp, drums and cymbals. Each person will have 3 followers, one person carrying a crystal ball. Another person put up an umbrella with high peaks decorated with golden sun rays. And the third protects the precious stones, precious stones, these balls will be visited to relatives and friends.And then join the meal together After eating, relatives and elders would use white thread to tie their wrists to glass balls. To protect against evil spirits, and then the first day of the ceremony is over.

          On the second day, the same procession will begin again. But this time in the procession, there will be sacrifices To present the Buddha Food for the monks And there is a horse that symbolizes the vehicle of the city god mogul in the evening after eating There will be a ceremony and slogan chanting To prepare a crystal ball Who will be ordained the next day

         The last day will begin with a parade of crystal balls to the temple. When reaching the Luk Kaew Temple, they will request permission to ordain from Phra Thera. When you give permission Orb will make a vow Then changed the outfit to a yellow crow cloth And completely novice
Poy Sang Long Tradition It attracts a large number of Thai tourists. And now it is popular with foreign tourists as well.



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